花やしき [Hanayashiki]
- 1853年(嘉永6年)に千駄木の植木商、森田六三郎により牡丹と菊細工を主とした植物園「花屋敷」が開園した。当時の敷地面積は約80000m2だった。江戸期は茶人、俳人らの集会の場や大奥の女中らの憩いの場として利用され、ブランコが唯一の遊具だった。
2011年(平成23年)3月、旧お化け屋敷跡地に3階建ての新しいビルがオープンした。また、その中にある新お化け屋敷「お化け屋敷 〜桜の怨霊〜」も同時にオープンした。
In 1853 (6th year of Emperor Kaei) Morita Rokusaburo, a plant merchant from Sendagi, opened a botanical garden, specialising in peonies and crysanthemums, called Hanyashiki.
At that time the land area was 80,000u
In the Edo period masters of tea ceremony, poets, ladies maids etc used the park as a place of rest. The only attraction at that time was a slide.
In 1950 (25th year of Emperor Showa) a Bee tower was built, and in 1953 (28th year of Emperor Showa) a roller coaster, since followed by the installation of other attractions to the present day.
For a long time there was no entrance fee, customers went to a ticket booth to purchase tickets for the various attractions.
In March 2011 (23rd year of Emperor Heisei) the original haunted house attraction was demolished and a new 3 storey house was built.
At the same time a new ghost attraction, known as ‘Sakura no Onryou’ was added to the original ghosts included in the haunted house
浅草寺 [Senso-ji]
- 浅草寺(せんそうじ)とは、東京都台東区浅草二丁目にある東京都内最古の寺である。山号は金龍山。本尊は聖観音菩薩(しょうかんのんぼさつ)。元は天台宗に属していたが第二次世界大戦後独立し、聖観音宗の総本山となった。観音菩薩を本尊とすることから「浅草観音」あるいは「浅草の観音様」と通称され、広く親しまれている。東京都内では、唯一の坂東三十三箇所観音霊場の札所(13番)である。江戸三十三箇所観音霊場の札所(1番)でもある。
Senso-ji is the oldest temple in the Tokyo metropolitan area. It is located in Taito ward, Asakusa ni-chome.
Senso-ji is also known by its Bhuddist name of Kinryu zan.
The main god worshipped at Senso-ji is Sho Kannon Bosatsu.
From its foundation Senso-ji was a member of the Ten Dai shyu sect, however after World War II it left to establish its own sect called the Sho Kannon Bosatsu.
Although Kannon Bosatsu was the official Bhuddist name for Senso-ji, it is informally known as either ‘Asakusa Kannon’ or ‘Asakusa no Kannon sama’ .
In the Tokyo metropolitan area Senso-ji is number 13 on the traditional pilgrim’ s route known as the Bando Sanjusan Kannon Reisho.
In the Edo period Senso-ji was number one on the Bando Sanjusan Kannon Reisho.
【雷門】 [Kaminarimon]
The Omotesando entrance gate.
On the right and left hand-sides, respectively, of the Kirizumazukuri style(gable roof) Hakkyaku gate stand the Shinto gods Fuujin and Raijin. The official name of the gate is the Fuuraii jin gate,
although informally it is called the ‘Kaminari Gate’.
In the first year of the Keiou era (1865) the Kaminari gate burnt down and a temporary gate was constructed. It was not until 100 years later that a new concrete and iron gate was built.
The gate was donated by business man Matsushita Konosuke, who after praying at the temple consequently recovered from an illness he had been suffering from.
The huge red lantern which hangs in the centre of the Kaminari gate was donated by Matsushita Electric Co. (now known as Panasonic).
On a few occasions, such as the Sanja matsuri and when there is a typhoon, the lantern is collapsed.
浅草 仲見世 [Asakusa Nakamise]
- 雷門から宝蔵門に至る表参道の両側にはみやげ物、菓子などを売る商店が立ち並び、「仲見世」と呼ばれている。
From the Kaminari gate to the Houzou gate, along Omotesando street lined with souvenir shops and snack shops, is an area known as Nakamise.
On the east side there are 54 shops and on the west side there are 35.
The shops, which had temple-style facades, were rebuilt in iron and concrete in 1925 (year 14 of the Taishou Emperor) after being damaged in the Great Eastern earthquake.
浅草 新仲見世 [Asakusa Shin Nakamise]
- 浅草の商店街を東西に突き通る新仲見世商店街。通商「しんなか」。全長380Mに及ぶ浅草最大のアーケードで108店舗が並ぶ。
Asakusa Shin Nakamise runs directly east to west in Asakusa arcade.
It’ s nickname is Shin naka.
Its total length is 380 metres and has a total of 108 shops along its length.
Nakamise is said to have an Edo period atmosphere, while Shin Nakamise has a Showa period feel.
伝法院通り [Denpo-in dori]
- 仲見世柳通りと浅草六区通りに挟まれた、伝法院を中心に左右約200メートルからなる通りを指す。さまざまな名所や店舗が並んでいるにぎやかな通りで、江戸情緒のある町並みで、下町散策を楽しめる。
Denpo-in is located halfway between Nakamise dori and Asakusa roku dori on the 200 metre Denpo-in dori.
Denpo-in dori is a lively street lined with a variety of famous shops. With an Edo period atmosphere you can enjoy strolling in this downtown area.
浅草すしや通り [Asakusa sushiya dori]
- 浅草すしや通り商店街は、長い浅草の歴史とともにその歴史を重ねてきた全覆型アーケード。
Asakusa sushiya dori is a covered arcade with a long history.
Asakusa sushiya dori, in Asakusa 1-chome, runs from Kaminari mon street to Asakusa roku kougyougai street and is 8 metres wide and 100 metres long.
As a number of streets, such as Denpo-in street, Tanuki yokocho and Hisago street among others, lead into Koen roku kougyougai, from the past to the present day,
this area has been a popular and lively place.
六区ブロードウェイ(映画館通り) [Rokku Broadway (Movie theater street)]
- 伝法院通りからつくばエキスプレス・浅草駅へと通じる、全長約100メートルの通り。
A street of about 100 meters which leads to the Tsukuba express Asakusa station from Denpoin street.
This is a street which was promoted and loved by the famous writers and entertainers of the past who are remembered in the area.
Pictures and explanations, introducing the artists who represent Asakusa, are displayed on streetlights on both sides of the street,
and stone monuments can be seen at either entrance of the street.
The Edo period feel of Denpo-in dori which connects to Rokku Broadway has also been maintained.
Although it is not a very long street there is a relatively large number of restaurants and eating places.
浅草地下商店会 [Asakusa chika shotengai]
- 銀座線浅草駅改札口(東武への)を出るとすぐ左が日本初めての地下商店会。 いろいろなお店があり、マスコミにもよく紹介されている。雨のときなど浅草寺方面へぬれずにいける近道になる。噂によると浅草美人がいるところと評判。
If you take the Ginza line, heading for Tobu, and get off at Asakusa station then take the first left after going through the ticket gate
you will come to Japan’ s oldest underground shopping arcade.
You will find a variety of shops many of which have been featured in the mass media.
Whatever the weather you can head towards Senso-ji in comfort.
It is rumoured that you can see many beautiful women there.
ひさご通り [Hisago dori]
- 浅草北西部、六区興行街から言問通りまで、全長180Mのアーケード式商店街。
In the north west of Asakusa, going from Rokku kougyougai to Genma dori, you can find an arcade-style street of 180 metres in length.
After the land readjustment of 1924 (13th year of the Taishou Emperor), the shop owners of Hisago dori used their own money to renovate the arcade.
The following year the street took its name, Hisago dori (gourd street) from the similarly named Hyoutan Pond (Gourd Pond) formerly found in Asakusa Park.
In 1955 (the 30th year of Emperor Showa) Hisago dori’ s arcade was the first to be given official permission by Tokyo-to to use the tekin zenfuku kaihei shiki arcade system.
After this the arcade developed the concept of an Edo town image.
かっぱ橋道具街 [Kappabashi dougugai]
- 台東区西浅草 - 松が谷地区にある、食器具・包材・調理器具・食品サンプル・食材・調理衣装などを一括に扱う道具専門の問屋街の事である。
Located in Matsugaya in Taito-ku Nishi Asakusa, Kappabashi dougugai is known for its kitchen speciality wholesale shops selling everything from tableware,
packaging supplies, kitchen utensils, faux food samples, food materials, staff uniforms etc.
Japan’ s number one district for tools, it is known as Kappabashi, Aibabashi dougugai and Kappabashi dougugai.
Although the kappa (mythical water-dwelling creature) is the mascot of the street this is not the original meaning of the street’s name.
浅草公会堂 [Asakusa Public Hall]
- 1977年にこけら落とし。毎年1月に新春浅草歌舞伎が開催されるほか、浅草芸能大賞、漫才大会(年忘れ漫才競演公開録画)などが開催されるほか、映画の上映会、舞踊などが主に開催されている。
The theatre was founded in 1977.
Every year in January a new kabuki performance is shown. The Asakusa geinou taishou, manzai taikai, (televised year end comedy contest) and other events are also held.
In addition, films and traditional dance performances are also shown here.
The theatre seats 1082.
However, during the New Year period and the showing of the new kabuki performance the theatre is not open to the public.
おすすめの名店 [Recommendations]